My favourite movie

Friday, September 29, 2006

My Favourite Movie!!

Star Trek - First Contact -

"Star Trek - First Contact" is the best movie I've ever seen. I am a great fan of "Star Trek", and I want to see all the episodes and films based on the original Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991). This fantastic film is set in one of the most famous starships of all the science-fiction genre: the USS Enterprise Ncc 1701-E.

The Enterprise - E

The Enterprise - E is a Federation Sovereign class starship. It can reach warp 8 and has 26 decks.

This is the ship's crew:

Captain Picard

Commander Riker

Commander Data

Counsellor Deanna Troi

The Borg Queen

The film starts when the Uss Enterprise - E receives a call from Starfleet Command. It says that a space station - Deep Space 5 - found traces of a transwarp conduit - this means that the Borg are arriving. In fact, soon after, a Borg cube arrives, and wants to assimilate humanity. Even thought the Cube has been destroyed, a smaller ship escapes from destruction. It is a small sphere, and is travelling back in time to destroy Zefram Cochrane's first flight with the Phoenix, the first human ship capable of going faster than the speed of light - going to warp.

The Enterprise follows the sphere and goes back in time to the year 2063. However, the crew does not realize that some drones tranported themselves aboard the ship, and they start to assimilate Captain Picard's crew. When half the ship is assimilated, Picard decides to act. He goes to Engeneering, (where the Queen established her command center) and decides to "offer" himself to the Borg, and in exchange he wants that Data is set free. Data does not want to go, because the Queen gave him what he desired: skin. He is now controlled by the "hive mind". However, he can resist and he opens a breach in a plasma conduit. The Queen dies, and the Enterprise is safe. The film ends when the Phoenix succeds in the warp flight and humans have their first contact with another species: the Vulcans. "Live long and prosper!!"

If you want to know everything about Star Trek, go to

Cast Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Jonathan Frakes, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden

Director Jonathan Frakes

Writer(s) Brannon Braga, Ronald D. Moore, Rick Berman

Genre(s) Science-Fiction/Fantasy, Action, Aliens, Enemies, Futuristic, Science-Fiction, Space Exploration, Time Travel, Robots/Cyborgs, Space Opera

Release Year 1996

DVD Release Date March 15, 2005

Running Time 105 minutes